2023 in the Chinese Zodiac is the year of the Rabbit! Jon and I were both born in the year of the rabbit, so hence the rabbit theme. Fun fact: a group of rabbits is called a fluffle.

Welcome to our blog!

2023 will be an exciting year for us as we will be leaving Savannah and will be going to Asia in the summer! If you’d like to get our updates and follow us on our adventure, subscribe here. That way you’ll get email notifications whenever we update!


Cambodia Adventures!

Skipped a few countries, but we made it to Cambodia and stayed for a week! Leaving Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam, we took about an 8 hour bus ride to Siem Reap. It was a first time for us both taking a bus with sleeper…

Jeonju, Daejeon, and Suwon

Jeonju is known for their beautiful Hanok (a traditional Korean house) village, and we were able to find an affordable place to stay right nearby! The Hanok village was a lot of fun to walk through, and we got to explore one of the palaces there…

Getting Lost in Korea

Before I talk about how we got lost, I want to share something that happened just minutes before writing this post. I was eating a cherry tomato in Starbucks, and when I bit down some of the juices and seeds sprayed across the table and landed…

A Lot to Catch Up On…

Hi everyone, sorry for being so bad at this… Jon and I are now in Korea! We’ve been here already a week and a half. We took a boat from Shimonoseki, Japan to Busan, South Korea on June 29th. It was an overnight cruise, and it…


[May 31st] – It’s about 4AM currently as I write this post in our hotel’s little computer area. Today is our first full day in Japan! We are staying in a cute little hotel in a quiet neighbourhood just a subway ride away from the metropolitan…

Photo Dump of Cross Country Trip

It’s been almost two months I believe since our last post. Sorry! I knew I wouldn’t be very good, but I’m worse than I thought. It’s hard to write when you’re on the road (though most of the time we were with family so really I…


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